Upping Your Cleaning Game

Cleaning intelligence.  This is the term I have invented to help describe people's cleaning habits.  Detail-oriented would also probably be synonymous with the term cleaning intelligence.  My cleaning intelligence has drastically grown since becoming a wife and a mother, and a homemaker.  Seeing all the places babies and toddlers can make a mess has really widened my imagination when I am thinking of things to clean.

Cleaning Intelligence:  The level at which the mind operates when thinking of what to clean and how to clean it, then following through with it.  Also learning how to clean efficiently.  

If you have low cleaning intelligence it doesn't mean you have low intelligence.  I would say most people have an average cleaning intelligence anyway!  Most people hit all the places required to keep a home pretty nicely cleaned.  

So, I would say that people with OCD, the washing type, have an extremely high level of cleaning intelligence.  Their minds can revolve around cleanliness so much so that it is difficult to go out in public or visit friends and family.  

The way I described it to my mother was that if you clean something regularly, like your fan blades let's say, and you go to a place with dirty fan blades, you are much more likely to notice it and feel uneasy about it.  But if you don't usually clean your fan blades and you go somewhere with dirty fan blades you most likely won't notice it and if you do it probably won't bother you.  OR if you clean something regularly and someone with low cleaning intelligence visits you they won't notice how clean your home really is.

So, how can we better our cleaning intelligence?  
Reading my cleaning blog!  Especially the ultimate spring cleaning list.  In there you will find lots of tips and tricks on how to clean, and of course after you read some of my blog posts, go to work!  Once you do an overhaul on your house it should only take between 20 minutes to and hour a day to clean it, longer if you have a bigger house or more people who live in your home!  I hope you enjoyed this blog post, happy cleaning!


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